Clothing Consignment Policy
Seasons Accepted
- Spring/Summer (including swim) - January 1st - June 30th
- Easter - January 1st - 3 weeks prior to holiday
- Patriotic - March 1st - May 31st
- Back to School - May 1st - June 30th
- Gameday - May 1st - September 30th
- Fall/Pumpkins - July 1st - September 30th
- Thanksgiving - August 1st - September 30th
- Christmas - October 1st - November 30th
- Winter (corduroy/turtlenecks/sweaters) - October 1st - December 15th
We will not be accepting any drop offs from December 16th - 31st
Little Grove reserves the right to make changes to the drop-off schedule without prior notice. This includes but is not limited to not accepting any items throughout the month and/or not accepting specific items throughout the month.
Consignment Policy
- Little Grove will determine the price of your garments.
- Consignment period is 8 weeks for clothing
- Prices will be reduced by 25% after 4 weeks and 50% after 6 weeks. Discount will be shared equally by Little Grove and consignor.
- We reserve the right to run addtional sales throughout the year. Discount will be shared equally by Little Grove and consignor.
- Consignors will have 10 days after the consignment period ends (we will contact you) to pick up any unsold items. Otherwise they become property of Little Grove.
- Little Grove will take exceptional care of the garments you consign; however, merchandise is left at your own risk. We are not liable for loss of garments due to fire, theft, vandalism or natural disaster or for in store damage. If any items are found damaged after inspection, they will be donated or sold at a discounted price.
- Little Grove reserves the right to change policies (including percentage splits) at any time. The change would affect items consigned in the future upon a new signature/agreement to the new policies.
- Consignors can choose to either receive 50% of sales price in cash or 60% of sales price in store credit
- We offer cash payments via checks, PayPal or Venmo
- Checks are mailed on the last Friday of the month and PayPal/Venmo payments are sent every Friday
- Payments will only be sent if your balance is at least $15 (unless your consignment period has ended)
- Store credit balance can be found on our website by logging into your account.
Accepted Items
- Almost all boutique, smocked, and trunk brand children’s clothing.
- Gently worn boutique brand shoes (i.e. Footmates, Keds, Sun Sans, etc.)
- Upscale accessories such as bonnets, bows, blankets, sun hats, etc. will be accepted at our discretion
- Please inspect all items for stains and flaws. We will accept upscale brands with minor flaws (i.e. small stains, minor wash wear) at our discretion.
- Clothing should be freshly laundered, buttoned, zipped, wrinkle free, and folded neatly.
- We do not accept any items with holes, large stains, missing buttons, major wash wear, bad scuffs, strong odors, etc. If you would not purchase it, please don't try to consign it!
- See our Brands Not Accepted List
- We do not accept underwear, costumes, hunting gear, or any women’s clothing
- We will accept items with a single letter, but we do not accept items with full names or 3 letter monograms
Drop Off Policy
- No appointment necessary. Drop off items anytime.
- Limit drop off to 50 items (unless you are paying the monthly storage fee)
- Items should be recently cleaned and neatly folded
- Bring items in boxes/bags that you do not want returned. We are not responsible for returning any bins to you.
- Any items that do not meet our standards will be donated. Please inspect your items carefully.
- Any out of season items will be donated unless you choose to pay the storage fee (see info below).
Storage Policy
- For a small fee we will store out of season items and pull them for the correct seasons
- Pricing - $5/month deducted from consignor account
- Fee will only be deducted while items are being stored
- Example: bring Christmas and Easter items in May - you will be charged storage fess for May - December ($40 total)
- No limit on the amount of items you can bring